Hemophilia A is the most common form of haemophilia. Prevalence is estimated at around 1 in 6,000 males. It primarily affects males, but females may also be symptomatic with a generally milder clinical picture.
Clinical description
In general, onset of bleeding anomalies occurs when affected infants start to learn to walk. However, newborns with haemophilia are at risk of intra- or extracranial haemorrhage and other bleeding complications. The severity of clinical manifestations depends on the extent of factor VIII deficiency in both males and females. If the biological activity of factor VIII is below 1 IU/dL, haemophilia is severe and manifests as frequent spontaneous haemorrhages and abnormal bleeding as a result of minor injuries or following trauma, surgery or tooth extraction (severe haemophilia A). If the biological activity of factor VIII is between 1 and 5 IU/dL, haemophilia is moderately severe with abnormal bleeding as a result of minor injuries or following trauma, surgery or tooth extraction but spontaneous haemorrhage is rare (moderately severe haemophilia A). If the biological activity of factor VIII is between 5 and 40 IU/dL, haemophilia is mild with abnormal bleeding as a result of minor injuries or following trauma, surgery or tooth extraction but spontaneous haemorrhage does not occur (mild haemophilia A). Patients may also be labeled as having mild haemophilia A if they have a FVIII >40 IU/dL and a DNA change in the F8 gene and one of the following: (i) a family member with the same DNA change and FVIII of <40 IU/dL, and the DNA change is found in <1% of the population; and (ii) the international databases list the DNA change as being associated with haemophilia A and <40 IU/dL FVIII. Bleeding most often occurs in joints (ahemarthroses) and muscles (haematomas), but any site may be involved following trauma or injury. Spontaneous haematuria is a frequent and highly characteristic sign of the disorder.
Hemophilia A is caused by mutations in the F8 gene (Xq28) encoding coagulation factor VIII.
Diagnostic methods
Diagnosis is suspected based on prolonged coagulation times (activated partial thromboplastin time, aPTT) and can be confirmed by measuring factor VIII activity and antigen levels.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis includes von Willebrand disease (VWD), including type 2N VWD and other coagulation anomalies leading to prolonged coagulation times, in particular combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency.
Antenatal diagnosis
Prenatal diagnosis on chorionic villi or amniocytes is rapid and informative when the familial, causative mutation is known. Knowing the familial mutation status in the fetus allows for preparation of delivery and early newborn medical management.
Genetic counseling
Inheritance is X-linked recessive and genetic counseling is recommended for affected families. For a female carrier, there is a 50% risk that male offspring will be affected and a 50% risk that each female offspring will be carriers. Overall, there is a 25% risk for each pregnancy that the baby will be a male offspring with hemophilia and a 25% risk that the baby will be a heterozygous female offspring.
Management and treatment
Management is provided by multidisciplinary comprehensive hemophilia care centers. Replacement therapy consisting of administration of the missing factor VIII is the most straight forward treatment approach, using plasma-derived or recombinant factor VIII concentrates. Treatment may be administered after a hemorrhage or prophylactically, to prevent bleeding. The most frequent complication is the production of inhibitory antibodies against the administered coagulation factor. Bioengineered prolonged half-life factor VIII products and non-factor therapeutics as well as gene therapy are also available in Europe.
Surgical interventions, most notably orthopedic surgery, may be carried out but should be conducted in specialised centers.
Left untreated, the disease course is severe in severe haemophilia A. Insufficient or incorrect treatment of recurrent haemarthroses and haematomas leads to physical impairment with severe disability associated with stiffness, joint deformation and physical disability. However, current treatment approaches (early prophylaxis) prevent these complications and prognosis is favoyrable. Haemorrhage, HIV and HCV infections, and hepatic disease are the leading causes of death.
The information is taken from the orpha.net website