Our governance

The European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC) is an international non-profit organisation registered in Belgium (No. 887.106.966). The EHC statutes are available in English and French.

EHC governance bodies

The EHC is governed by a General Assembly composed of representatives from all National Member Organisations (NMOs). Between General Assemblies, the EHC’s activities are overseen by a Steering Committee elected by the General Assembly and composed of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Steering Committee members. 

The Steering Committee (SC) is elected by the General Assembly for a four-year term. SC Members fulfill their mandate purely as non-paid volunteers in the best interest of the patient community they represent and serve. They usually receive no financial gains or compensation for their time and report annually on any private interests they might have.

The work of the EHC would not be possible without the support of dozens of volunteers from around Europe who generously offer their time and energy to make the EHC’s activities possible. A wide range of thematic Committees and Working Groups guides and supports the EHC SC’s work.

The EHC Steering Committee is composed of:

EHC Financial Guidelines

The purpose of the Financial Guidelines is to ensure a smooth functioning of the EHC. These guidelines should be seen as the overall policy to be followed for all financial procedures within the organisation.


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