2024 is an election year at the EHC for the renewal of its whole Steering Committee (SC) and the position of Treasurer, as agreed during the Extraordinary General Assembly of early June. The call for nominations is open to EHC National Member Organisations (NMOs) which can share applications by 26 July at 17:00 CEST.

The EHC will elect six SC members, 3 for a 5-year mandate and 3 for a 4-year mandate. The first 3 candidates casting the highest number of votes will be elected for a 5-year mandate.

More information on the SC call for nominations here.

Download the SC nomination form here.

The position of EHC Treasurer has a 2-year term, in replacement of Jo Eerens and, prior to him, Manon Degenaar-Dujardin.

More information on the Treasurer call for nominations here.

Download the Treasurer nomination form here.

The elections will take place during the EHC General Assembly, which will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on October 4, 2024.The list of candidates will be sent to all NMOs four weeks prior to the General Assembly. It is important that all NMOs give careful thought to their nomination.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Olivia Romero Lux, EHC CEO, at [email protected], or the EHC Office, at [email protected].